
Israel Engagement

Yossi Klein Halevi, eminent Israeli author, journalist and scholar of the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem has agreed to serve as Temple Sholom’s Resident Scholar for 5784.

This is a new and unique relationship unlike any Temple Sholom has enjoyed in the history of our congregation.

Over the the year, Yossi will engage with Temple Sholom in person for a series of classes at Temple, via Zoom and through his published writings and articles.

As Israel continues to struggle with domestic turmoil and existential crisis Yossi’s writings and scholarship have been an essential and powerful voice for democracy and coexistence. He speaks with authority and wisdom gained from decades of teaching and writing on the convergence of Israel and Diaspora Jewish issues.

His weekly podcast with the Hartman Institute’s Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman as well as his books and articles in major international publications have helped elevate the discussion and translate what is unfolding in Israel today for Jews all over the world.

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UnXetable at Temple Sholom

Leaders of the Israeli Protest Movement Michal Muzskat Barkan, PhD, and Ora Peled Nakash discussed the plurality of issues and thoughts facing the pro-democracy movement, and how our community can engage and support their efforts.

ARZA Canada

We are writing to ask you to join us and stand up for progressive Jewish values in Israel and our Zionist institutions, by joining or renewing your membership in ARZA Canada. Your membership is OUR voice in Israel.

  • ARZA Canada partners with the growing Israeli Reform Movement, working toward the goals of democracy, equality and pluralism in our homeland.
  • ARZA Canada works to increase Israel engagement and helps to create an Israel that is both Jewish and democratic.

In October 2020 at the World Zionist Congress, in what was at its essence an attempted tyranny of the minority: the Likud Party and religious right tried to exclude Reform, Conservative and centre-left Jews from influential executive positions in the Congress.

Why is this important now?

This attempt by a particularly extreme and motivated faction of the Jewish community to wield outsized power in the face of a majority of Reform and Conservative Jews nearly succeeded. Had it not been for organizations like Hadassah, Naamat, Arzenu, Maccabi and B’nai B’rithInternational, Reform and Conservative Jews would have completely lost their voice and their vote in the allocation of nearly $1 billion in Jewish community and State of Israel funds. Those funds historically have gone to key Zionist organizations such as the Jewish Agency, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael – Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF), and Keren Hayesod and for the benefit of the broader Jewish community.

We almost lost this important seat at the table because Orthodox organizations, which are smaller in total number than Reform, Conservative and progressive Jewish communities, have outpaced us in memberships in the Congress. In order for Canadian Reform Jews in Canada to ensure an increase in our membership at the table, that means being a registered member of ARZA Canada. Every Reform Jew in Canada who cares about Israel should be a member of ARZA Canada. It is that simple and that important. Your membership is OUR voice in Israel.

The cost of membership:

Per adult
Per student
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Israel - now is the time

So… why does ARZA CANADA believe Israel engagement is so important?

Engagement with Israel

We had a great time together noshing on delicious food and discussing some lesser known Purim stories and trivia.

Where is your congregation now?

We had a great time together noshing on delicious food and discussing some lesser known Purim stories and trivia.

Build your Israel team

We had a great time together noshing on delicious food and discussing some lesser known Purim stories and trivia.

Some suggestions to kick off your Israel engagement initiative

We had a great time together noshing on delicious food and discussing some lesser known Purim stories and trivia.


We had a great time together noshing on delicious food and discussing some lesser known Purim stories and trivia.


We had a great time together noshing on delicious food and discussing some lesser known Purim stories and trivia.


We had a great time together noshing on delicious food and discussing some lesser known Purim stories and trivia.


We had a great time together noshing on delicious food and discussing some lesser known Purim stories and trivia.
