Woman of REFORM Judaism

Our Sisterhood members have a worldwide identity and connection through our affiliation with the Women of REFORM Judaism (“WRJ”), the agency for Sisterhoods of REFORM congregations throughout the world.

Karen Sim

WRJ President

Elected in June 2024, WRJ President Karen Sim is from Cincinnati, Ohio, and a member of Isaac M. Wise Temple.

She is the second WRJ President to hail from both Cincinnati and Wise Temple in WRJ’s 111 year history. She has held many positions on the WRJ District and North.

WRJ’s projects include:

  • Youth, Education & Special Projects (YES) Fund providing financial aid for North American rabbinical students on Hebrew Union College campuses. Sisterhood contributes US$1,000 annually to the YES Fund.
  • Founder and Patron of “The Jewish Braille Institute of America” which services the Jewish visually impaired throughout the world.
  • Supporter of the World Union for Progressive Judaism, which has established progressive congregations and rabbinical seminaries in over 30 countries.
  • Commissioned and published “The Torah, A Women’s Commentary” (2007) to great acclaim. Our Sisterhood facilitated the purchase and donation of 125 copies of the Women’s Commentary to the Temple for use by the Congregation.

Women of REFORM: Pacific district

The Pacific District is your liaison between the Women of REFORM Judaism (WRJ) and the local sisterhoods that we serve. Currently our district consists of 57 sisterhoods in the western states and provinces.

Carol Schuster

(from Temple B’nai Torah, Bellevue WA),
WRJ Pacific District President

The mission of the WRJ Pacific District is to:

  • Promote the aims of WRJ helping sisterhoods/women’s groups participate effectively in the activities of WRJ.
  • Assist in the organization of new sisterhoods/women’s groups in the district.
  • Bring the sisterhoods/women’s groups in the district into closer cooperation and association with one another to further their respective activities.
  • Help sisterhoods/women’s groups achieve their highest potential within their congregations, their district, and the world of Reform Judaism.