When you face the death of a loved one, there are many difficult decisions that must be made and families are often in need of comfort, support and guidance. Our clergy are here to assist and support you.
In the event of a death, please contact the Temple office at 604-266-7190 immediately. If a death occurs when the synagogue is closed, please call the office, press 1, and then leave a detailed message. This message will then be forwarded to our “clergy on call” who will respond to you as quickly as possible.
The funeral date and time must be coordinated with your family, Chevrah Kadishah (Jewish Burial Society) and clergy, so it is important to speak with one of our Rabbis in order to make arrangements.
Temple Sholom owns and maintains a beautiful cemetery in White Rock. In 2017, we added an interfaith section for members. Plots may be purchased in advance or as needed. To pre-purchase a plot, please contact our Director of Congregational Engagement, Cathy Lowenstein at 604.266.7190 or
If a plot is needed at the time of death, this will be arranged by the Rabbi when funeral plans are made.
Temple Sholom, like all the other synagogues in Vancouver, uses the services of the community Chevrah Kadishah, which follows the traditional Jewish practices of preparation and burial.
As the mourners leave the funeral, the focus shifts from honouring the dead to comforting the bereaved. The Shiva period begins as soon as the mourners return from the cemetery and continues for 7 days. At the time funeral arrangements are made, the Rabbi will talk with you about conducting Shiva services in your home, at Temple Sholom or elsewhere if needed.
It is the custom at Temple Sholom to read the name of the deceased at worship services for 30 days following the funeral. Those wishing to honour their loved one in a permanent way may purchase a Yahrzeit plaque through the Temple office.
The dedication of a headstone usually takes place between 6 months to 1 year after the funeral. The family will be notified by synagogue staff when arrangements need to be made for the headstone. In keeping with our egalitarian approach, all of the headstones at the Temple Sholom cemetery are of the same size and design.