Be part of a group of caring women who believe that we can make a difference in our Temple, in our community and in the community at large. Come join us and expand your horizons, make new friends and have some fun.
We meet for social and spiritual activities, for study, and above all, for the growth of the individual so that each woman may find an opportunity to fulfill her potential. Sisterhood provides the arena for women to expand and grow in a Jewish atmosphere.
Activities for the Term of June 2023 – May 2024
For Our Temple
- Temple Sholom Staff Appreciation Lunch
- 5th Annual Sisterhood Fall Fest Raising over $7,000.00
- Sisterhood Shabbaton Weekend featuring the Sisterhood Choir
- Temple Sholom Operational Support
- Set up Meal Trains for members in need
For Our Youth
- Donation to “Sisterhood Temple Youth Fund” which includes funds for Jewish Summer Camp Scholarships, NFTY and B’nei Mitzvah tutoring
- Gifted the B’nei Mitzvah students Kiddush Cups (with Men’s Club)
- Sent two of our youth to the BBYO Young Women Leadership
For Our Members
- Sent personal notes of congratulations or condolences
- Reached out to new members, inviting them to events & introducing them to Sisterhood
- 7th Annual Women’s Seder
- Sisterhood’s Sippin’ In The Sukkah
- Monthly Cooking for Sara’s Cookbook 2nd Edition
- Vashti’s Banquet
- Book & a Bite Club
- Rosh Chodesh Torah Study
- WRJ Lilith Salons
- Walking Group
- Sisterhood Choir
- Steveston Meet-Up
For Our Local Community
- Raised donations and packed $2,900 of supplies to Kits For Kids; packs for kids in need, from babies to high school students and their mothers.
- Tikun Olam Gogos: A total of 3,534 large totes, 529 small totes and 1,342 pouches plus additional items have been made and $242,995.76 has been donated to the Stephen Lewis Foundation for its “Grandmothers to Grandmothers” program from the proceeds of the sale of goods.
For Our Pacific Northwest & Worldwide Community
- Donated $1,800 to Emergency Campaigns for Israel including; IDF Kits, the JFV Campaign and Rabbi Dan’s Discretionary Fund
- Made financial contributions to WRJ’s YES Fund & World Union for Progressive Judaism Fund