Jewish Addiction Community Service of Vancouver

Based on this principle, JACS Vancouver will offer two essential services:

  1. Navigation and Support Services. JACS will work with individuals and families to create a service plan for recovery that addresses their substance use issues. We will provide clients with the necessary information and connect them to services that match their needs, staying involved during the active process, providing advocacy and cultural support. Calls for appointments and support are welcomed Monday through Thursday from 9-1.
  2. Support Group for Family and Friends. Group support can have a profound effect on those dealing with the impact of substance misuse by people they are close to. We will be offering friends and family members a safe, confidential and non-judgmental setting where they are encouraged to share their personal experiences and gain support from those in similar situations. To learn more about the support program, contact Rebecca Denham (778) 882-2994.

These services will be facilitated by our Director of Services, Rebecca Denham. Rebecca has over 15 years of clinical experience working in the field of mental health, addiction and youth at risk. This, coupled with 5 years as a mental health professional working within Vancouver’s Jewish community specifically, contribute to her ability to provide experienced and culturally informed support recommendations.